In Response to the Novel Coronavirus.
In Response to the Novel Coronavirus.
● 新型コロナウイルス関連肺炎の発生が複数報告されていることを受け、弊社では以下の対応を行っております。
Several cases of pneumonia related to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) have been reported in Japan. Our facility will be implementing the following measures in response.
● 新型コロナウイルスへの感染予防と拡散防止のため、施設内の衛生強化に努めております。
In an effort to prevent and minimize the spread of the novel coronavirus, we are promoting proper sanitation within the facility.
● お客様とスタッフの健康と安全を考慮し、マスクを着用して対応させていただいております。
In consideration of the health of both customers and staff, the staff will be wearing masks as a precautionary measure.
● 不特定多数の方が接触される箇所を中心に、消毒液による清掃を定期的に行っており
Disinfectants are regularly used during cleaning, especially in locations frequented by large numbers of people.
● 施設内各所に消毒液を設置し、手・指の消毒を推奨しております。
Hand sanitizer is now available throughout the hotel. We highly recommend practicing proper hand sanitization at all times.
● 洗面所にハンドソープ、うがい液等も設置しておりますので、手洗い・うがいのご協力をお願い致します。
Hand soap and mouthwash are also provided in washrooms. Please practice proper handwashing and gargle with mouthwash whenever possible.
● 発熱や咳などの症状がある方、体調がすぐれない方はスタッフまでお声がけください。
If you are experiencing a fever or cough, or if you are feeling unwell in any way, please speak to the staff immediately.
● 近隣の保健所をご案内いたします。
We will direct you to the nearest health center.
● 健康状態を確認させていただく場合がございます。
Please note that we may ask details about your current health condition.